Monday, April 25, 2016

Two week fundraising Blitz!!

It is "Purple season" in my garden. My favorite time of the year when every flower in bloom is bursting forth in my favorite royal shade! Irises, lilac, cockle shells and butterfly bushes adorn our front yard. That also means it is Derby season here in Louisville. In two short weeks we will host the most famous two minutes in sports history, and in a rare occurrence, we will celebrate Mother's Day on the very same weekend!!

With all the hullabaloo of Spring Festivities going on, we thought it a perfect time for a fundraising blitz!! MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 8TH is the deadline for TWO of our three big fundraisers happening in May, and the deadline is just TWO short weeks away! The first of these fundraisers is a matching grant, and the second is our second round of t-shirt sales. Please see the flyer below for a brief overview of all three of our May fundraisers. The letter that follows will let you know how you can donate to our matching grant and receive a tax deduction! Some brief details concerning t-shirts and the yard sale can be found at the end of this post. Thanks for reading, praying and giving!!

Dear Friends and Family,
It is hard to believe it has been nearly a year since God first pricked our hearts to adopt from China. What a whirlwind journey this has been, and we are now in the final stages of our adoption process. Many of you have been journeying with us and supporting us with your prayers, encouragement and finances since August of last year, when we began our home study process and started compiling our dossier (important paperwork, fingerprints and clearances required to adopt from China). We needed to raise $14,000 just to get logged in to China’s system in order to be matched with our daughter, and through multiple fundraisers that you supported, we met our goal! We cannot
thank you enough!
In these final months of our adoption process we are still in need of prayer:
1. Please pray that we would continue to trust God in the waiting as he orchestrates his perfect plan. We have been waiting 12 weeks to be matched with our daughter and this waiting is very hard. We are dying to see her face and know who she is!
2. Please pray that our process continues to go as smoothly as it has gone already. We are preparing to enter the final phase of paperwork after we are matched.
3. During this last “leg” of our race to China, please pray as we also need to raise the remaining needed funds, which total $17,000! These final expenses will cover the final agency fee, all the costs associated with two weeks of travel in China, and the remaining fees associated with paperwork for our daughter like visas, official costs in China, etc.
We are excited to share that we have received a matching grant for $3,500 from LifeSong for Orphans with a donation from     Orphan Care Alliance. If you are interested and able to donate toward our adoption expenses, this is a great opportunity because every penny you donate will go directly to our personal adoption fund. All donations are Tax Deductible AND the first $3,500 will be matched through the grant organization!! Individual donations of $50 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $50 will gladly be sent upon request.
Once we have met our matching goal of $3, 500 our friends and family are able to keep giving and receive the tax deduction until we reach our total goal of $17, 000!
We would like to meet our Matching Grant goal of $3,500 by Mother’s Day, May 8th!
Please make checks payable to “Lifesong for Orphans.” In the memo, note family account number 5907 and family name:     Secrest to assure it goes to the correct account. Please mail to:
Lifesong for Orphans, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744.
You may also give online with a 3% processing fee at Select “Give to an Adoptive    Family.” Complete the online form and fill in the fields: Family Account Number, 5907 and Family Name, Secrest.

We thank you for your continued prayers and support. We cannot wait to share our joy with you as we see her face, receive approval to adopt her, and then finally bring her home!
Family Name: Secrest
Family Account Number: 5907
                                                                                                                         In Christ,

The Secrest Family
     Larry, Kasie, Mackenzie and Olivia

Our adoption t-shirts are made of super soft cotton and fit a little closely to the body, but true-to-size. Shirts are $20 plus $5 shipping per shirt if you are out of town. We hope to sell at least 25 shirts that remind us that though the number of orphans in the world is mind-blowing, it makes a difference to love just one. Will you join "Team Secrest" and buy your shirt today? You may contact me via phone, email or FB with your size and make checks payable to us. Orders will be in by the end of May.

We will accept donations for our yard sale the entire week AFTER Mother's Day. We are in need of MANY things for this HUGE event! Are you able to help out in any way? Please let me know as soon as possible. It would be such an encouragement to know we are not alone in this giant endeavor!:)
  • Donated sale items
  • Baked goods
  • Helpers on Friday and Saturday

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